恭喜恭喜...duo duo guan zhao....
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-02-22 12:50:44  楼主  关注此帖评分:
我来上任了~大家跟贴领花吧。 新官上任三把火,大家敬请期待! 各位对本版有什么赶紧说呀!
恭喜恭喜...duo duo guan zhao....
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-02-22 12:54:00  2楼
召唤另外两位斑竹~~~有人提意见了哦! 至于我嘛,小辈一个,还要多多向各位前辈请教。我一没炒股而没洗钱,目前还在学习中。Economist是我将来努力的方向! 另外,声明一下,那个不是版聚,是华新组织的一次活动,为了帮助大家更好地了解金融界的状况。 至于我们是不是趁机版聚,还要看大伙儿是不是支持。
Good to get you on board. so can take care the workload....
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-02-22 16:15:41  3楼
Yes... waiting for a big TAOTAO....haha....
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-02-23 13:35:18  4楼
Congrats.guess i may know you.... hehee
you are really slow..........
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-02-23 22:03:46  5楼
you are right...hehe...don't know some one hear it or not...haha....
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