请教: MFE在新加坡的工作前景+ NUS跟NTU的哪个比较好
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作者:nuswolf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:579) 发表:2005-04-21 19:23:10  17楼 
Any degree like MFE or certificate like CFA are just a media for you to learn the knowledge and tap on the industry. It is a START but not END of yr learning

1. It doesn't mean once you have these you MUST go to do certain kind of job. It is just like you graduate from Computing now wanna do something else and it is POSSIBLE

2. It doesn't mean once you have these you CAN do certain kind of job. It depends on yr attitude, intelligence, vision or even luck

3. ACCA is an accounting certificate, it is not really comparable with CFA, so i would like suggest you spend sometime to do some research YOURSELF to understand more about these programs

4. In terms of pay, there is a very simple principle: The less the people can do what you can do, the higher is yr pay. so if you want to get a thick pay slip, you got to be someone NON-REPLACABLE. I remember Robert Kiosaki said: if an investment broker profit so much from his investment, he does not need persuade you to invest with him :P

5. If you look at the job requirement for famous investment bank like JP Morgan, they seldom have a very particular specialised requirement. Because what the person knows today is not important, but what he thinks is.
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