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作者:chalidadi (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:201) 发表:2019-12-26 16:37:43  楼主  关注此帖
新加坡蚂蚁金服招QA及开发,走内推~速度很快!QA Job Description (职位描述) 1. Understand functional and non-functional requirements of software product, design quality assurance and testing strategies for various different products; 2. Contribute to the planning and construction of a product system architecture, assess risks, resolve the design’s testability and address the system stability; 3. Innovate testing tools, testing technologies, testing platform, testing lifecycle of product R&D, improve the testing efficiency; 4. Involved in testing system setup, technology team planning, construction of testing technology platform; 5. Lead and design technology solution and architecture for system integration test, and push solution deployment and implementation; 6. Responsible for the system integration test in product deployment phase of the development lifecycle, ensure product go-live with high quality; 7. Research new technologies and new methods in testing domain, apply and promote them, improve industry in (more...)
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