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作者:jinope (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:102) 发表:2016-04-12 16:10:03  楼主  关注此帖
[招聘]Airline Relations Manager 航空公司客户经理本人所在的公司部门招聘,对航空和美食有兴趣的筒子们看过来~ Job Responsibilities: · Ensure that the operational departments carry out all new requirements or changes as and when required by the airlines · Monitor airline stocks to ensure availability as well as to manage cabin crew voyage reports · Coordinate airline scheduled and non-scheduled meal presentations · Provide additional checks and balances on behalf of the airline for all products and services provided for the airline out of Singapore · Conduct random meal sampling on behalf of the airlines · Relationship building with airline clients and enhance customer relations both at the local level in Singapore and at the HQ level · Seek and develop potential airline or non-airline catering business opportunities 非常多的美食(会让你对美食变的极度挑剔XD),任意穿梭于机场内部的自由。 学历要求: degree holder and above 工作背景要求:有相关行业 (more...)
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