1。 负责过两个以上较大型项目设计
我觉得要想我们这样的国大本科生负责过两个以上较大型项目设计简直就是天方夜谭。 我们现在天天就忙几个core module就已经基本上水深火热了,大部分时候都是看notes + 做tutorial。完全没有时间做什么项目设计。更重要的是,我认为在新加坡这种环境下,完全想象不出本科生有什么参与设计的机会,更别提负责了。除非那几个破lab也能算作大型项目设计。我觉得唯一能增加我们这种体验的机会可能就是industrial attachment, 然而大多数做IA的同学都是雄心万丈的去,灰头土脸的回,整整六个月什么都学不到,不是端茶杯就是倒水,最后只能呜呼,现实与理想的距离时遥远的。(当然,这也许有个人态度问题,但是大多数同学相同的经历多少能说明,在NUS,我们这样的本科生很少有接触这样机会的窘境)在这里很希望各位经验丰富的前辈能多多指教,像我们目前这样应该如何寻找这样的机会。
2。 精通jsp,servlet,java.....OSGI等,对SOA的模式有较深的理解,对虚拟机、以及Linux下的开发环境有较深厚的开发经验
有几个字眼特别吸引我的注意力:“精通”“较深的理解”“深厚”,其实这 (more...)
Even for a computer science student, i bet most of them (99%) won't have written more than 10k lines of code at the time when they graduate, and usually the more you enjoy writing code, the less grade you will obtain, because as most prof. suggests, computer science is about algorithm, coding is for low level workers. So all the programming works are about algorithms. You won't know what is SOA, IoC, Spring, Hibernate, OSGI, Velocity, JMS, whatsoever, when you graduate.
And when you start working, you realize that that's the most serious programming you have ever done. Not many companies are developing softwares here. Maybe some small startup companies do develop softwares, but you won't dare to join them, because first most of your classmates joined big banks or MNCs where they can get sky high salaries without writing any code or write less than 10 lines of code every day(statistics shows programmers working at government companies write less than 500 lines of code every year). Second, it is not wise to join startup companies here, because they themselves do not have any expertise on developing software so you won't be able to learn any thing from them, and they are very unstable. They hire you not because they want to develop you, but only for cheap labor. So it is still advisable to look for big companies, even though you won't be able to gain any piratical experience in programming there. Most likely you will get a support job. Then you start to know all these words like Ajax, SOA,ORM, MOM, Portlet, AOP, POJO, REST... not mentioning specific implementation technologies like iBatis, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Wicket, Weblogic, WebSphere, GWT, Prototype, JBoss, Jess, Oracle, MySQL... Then you can look for better jobs by composing your CV using these words, and most likely they do have the effect of plating gold on yourself.
But don't be threatened by those job requirements, because the hiring companies are as blind as us, they just compose their job requirements using whatever hot words that they know. Sounds like an irony right? It's a funny industry.
This is 2 cents from someone worked in this industry for 9 years who still haven't Mastered JSP, Servlet, JMS, JavaBean, JMS, EJB, JDBC, Flex, Velocity, OSGI, UML (frankly i didn't see any company here using UML).
And when you start working, you realize that that's the most serious programming you have ever done. Not many companies are developing softwares here. Maybe some small startup companies do develop softwares, but you won't dare to join them, because first most of your classmates joined big banks or MNCs where they can get sky high salaries without writing any code or write less than 10 lines of code every day(statistics shows programmers working at government companies write less than 500 lines of code every year). Second, it is not wise to join startup companies here, because they themselves do not have any expertise on developing software so you won't be able to learn any thing from them, and they are very unstable. They hire you not because they want to develop you, but only for cheap labor. So it is still advisable to look for big companies, even though you won't be able to gain any piratical experience in programming there. Most likely you will get a support job. Then you start to know all these words like Ajax, SOA,ORM, MOM, Portlet, AOP, POJO, REST... not mentioning specific implementation technologies like iBatis, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Wicket, Weblogic, WebSphere, GWT, Prototype, JBoss, Jess, Oracle, MySQL... Then you can look for better jobs by composing your CV using these words, and most likely they do have the effect of plating gold on yourself.
But don't be threatened by those job requirements, because the hiring companies are as blind as us, they just compose their job requirements using whatever hot words that they know. Sounds like an irony right? It's a funny industry.
This is 2 cents from someone worked in this industry for 9 years who still haven't Mastered JSP, Servlet, JMS, JavaBean, JMS, EJB, JDBC, Flex, Velocity, OSGI, UML (frankly i didn't see any company here using UML).