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作者:trueif (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:30793) 发表:2011-02-21 09:07:27  楼主  关注此帖
同学,那是神的境界,当成奋斗目标就可以,不必刻意强求Even for a computer science student, i bet most of them (99%) won't have written more than 10k lines of code at the time when they graduate, and usually the more you enjoy writing code, the less grade you will obtain, because as most prof. suggests, computer science is about algorithm, coding is for low level workers. So all the programming works are about algorithms. You won't know what is SOA, IoC, Spring, Hibernate, OSGI, Velocity, JMS, whatsoever, when you graduate. And when you start working, you realize that that's the most serious programming you have ever done. Not many companies are developing softwares here. Maybe some small startup companies do develop softwares, but you won't dare to join them, because first most of your classmates joined big banks or MNCs where they can get sky high salaries without writing any code or write less than 10 lines of code every day(statistics shows programmers working at government companies write less than 500 lin (more...)
搭车问那些拿sky high薪水的CSer从事的是啥工作呀?
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