职场遇险,诚心请教大家.加入一家欧洲公司2月左右,在公司一直很低调,待人诚恳,干事利落. 没想到人心险恶,我一个老好人的性格,居然有人想趁机欺负.
我电子工程背景,在公司R&D部门做技术工作.本以为工程师靠技术吃饭,不用看人脸色,没想到公司里有一同职位的工程师A君,有事没事老在我面前显示他工作努力,钻研深厚. 刚开始倒也没有特别在意,典型的新加坡人性格,喜欢自弹自唱,自娱自乐. Maybe我是master,他是degree, so他要在我面前摆出强者姿态.
现在事态发展越来越对我不利, 此君A光爱讲大话,加之英语比我好, 在老板面前(印度老板 B)时常对我的工作指手划脚, 有事没事总是爱挑毛病,搞得我对他很是不爽.不过碍于他加入公司快5年了,资历比我深,我也没有明确的反驳他,只是淡淡笑着对他解释一二.
前不久,他要transfer到另外一个 job(still under the same boss, also in the same office),需要把他的工作transfer给我. 按理说,他就应该尽心尽责,把他所知道的东西教给我,大家都万事大吉.可是此君A 似乎对我相当有戒心, 总是不肯教我什么,似乎害怕我学到什么,现在为止,始终没有把c#的source code share出来.还时常做出一副盛气凌人的姿态, 让人反感. 反倒是我因为担心转接工作会有潜在问题, 所以诚心实意向他请教 (more...)
First of all, improve your English.
Learn from everyone around you and make sure you can successfuly communicate all you want to say to another person.
Secondly, be more communicative. Share every single point of your project to all your colleagues, bosses and friends. If they are involved in it, they will get clearer understanding of the overall situation and make less biased judgement; if they are not, they usually will give you suggestion for the difficulties you've got. Use all kind of tools to communicate: word of mouth, email, IM, gossip, meetings, minutes, documents...... Communicate more and you will have less problem.
Say if you meet any difficulties that hinders you from deliver certain product, quickly inform your boss and all relevant parties once you realize it, usally in the form of a email with proper English, clearly explain the difficulties you are facing, the potential impact on your progress and propose any work arounds or suggested solutions.
In real life, usually there will be hand over documents for project/program handover. If your colleague does not provide you such thing or the documents are not well prepared, highlight it to your boss and all relevant parties immediately. Stating that you can't takeover from him without proper documents and you suggest your colleague complete or improve his document before doing any handover, and the unfamilarity may cause delay or even failure of the project(if the document is not prepared/improved.) If you are really new and inexperienced, you can even call for a handover meeting or training. Then you can prepare everything that you feel you need support and discuss it during the meeting.
Secondly, be more communicative. Share every single point of your project to all your colleagues, bosses and friends. If they are involved in it, they will get clearer understanding of the overall situation and make less biased judgement; if they are not, they usually will give you suggestion for the difficulties you've got. Use all kind of tools to communicate: word of mouth, email, IM, gossip, meetings, minutes, documents...... Communicate more and you will have less problem.
Say if you meet any difficulties that hinders you from deliver certain product, quickly inform your boss and all relevant parties once you realize it, usally in the form of a email with proper English, clearly explain the difficulties you are facing, the potential impact on your progress and propose any work arounds or suggested solutions.
In real life, usually there will be hand over documents for project/program handover. If your colleague does not provide you such thing or the documents are not well prepared, highlight it to your boss and all relevant parties immediately. Stating that you can't takeover from him without proper documents and you suggest your colleague complete or improve his document before doing any handover, and the unfamilarity may cause delay or even failure of the project(if the document is not prepared/improved.) If you are really new and inexperienced, you can even call for a handover meeting or training. Then you can prepare everything that you feel you need support and discuss it during the meeting.