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作者:yang0196 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:20) 发表:2008-09-05 23:25:39  楼主  关注此帖
加入一家欧洲公司2月左右,在公司一直很低调,待人诚恳,干事利落. 没想到人心险恶,我一个老好人的性格,居然有人想趁机欺负.
我电子工程背景,在公司R&D部门做技术工作.本以为工程师靠技术吃饭,不用看人脸色,没想到公司里有一同职位的工程师A君,有事没事老在我面前显示他工作努力,钻研深厚. 刚开始倒也没有特别在意,典型的新加坡人性格,喜欢自弹自唱,自娱自乐. Maybe我是master,他是degree, so他要在我面前摆出强者姿态.
现在事态发展越来越对我不利, 此君A光爱讲大话,加之英语比我好, 在老板面前(印度老板 B)时常对我的工作指手划脚, 有事没事总是爱挑毛病,搞得我对他很是不爽.不过碍于他加入公司快5年了,资历比我深,我也没有明确的反驳他,只是淡淡笑着对他解释一二.
前不久,他要transfer到另外一个 job(still under the same boss, also in the same office),需要把他的工作transfer给我. 按理说,他就应该尽心尽责,把他所知道的东西教给我,大家都万事大吉.可是此君A 似乎对我相当有戒心, 总是不肯教我什么,似乎害怕我学到什么,现在为止,始终没有把c#的source code share出来.还时常做出一副盛气凌人的姿态, 让人反感. 反倒是我因为担心转接工作会有潜在问题, 所以诚心实意向他请教. 他总是爱理不理,搞得我有时也不好多问.
今天因为连续问他同一问题2次(第一次没给solution), 第二次他不可理喻的发飙 , 直接冲到 boss 的office 告我的状, 说实话,人的忍耐都是有极限的,我当时也是怒气匆匆, 在office里大声和他argue 起来.把曾经他的种种不是一口道尽, 心中虽然出了一口气, 可是大家毕竟还是同事,抬头不见低头见, 而且, for the perspective of Boss B, 他要的是我们2个能够团结起来, 共同为team 努力,他完全不希望我们关系闹僵...
问题是: Boss B似乎对他更为看重, 在argument过程中,老是emphasize that I should learn and work by myself , since I have join the company 2 month. 又举例, A曾经也是靠自己handle everything. 老板说的没错, 可是这两个月来, 我已经写了2个程序, 进度也是相当快(其间boss B 一直没有对我表示什么不满,也没有push我的进度,一切都是我在做主. ) 我现在很郁闷,因为我的英语的确没有A好,有时更老板交流还是词不达意.(有一次 一个句子,本来想表达 our department should negotiate with the production dept. 可是我当时情急之下,用 argue 代替了negotiate, 还被老板亏了一下: Dont argue with people, avoid arguing in the company)
刚刚看到一个帖子,讲到一定要好好学好英语, 我就是一个血淋淋的教训啊, 英语太烂, 吵架都吃亏啊.........
今天争执的结果,就是 there will be a short meeting in next monday , 到时 boss B 的老板 big boss C 会invovle进来, 一起商量.
看来monday 免不了一场恶战了, 希望看贴的大侠们能给些professional的 建议, it's better to use English since I have to face them next monday by speaking english.
我希望大家能给出一些比较strong的 理由,让A 老老实实把他了解的东西交给我,又不伤害 A的面子(今天我是比较冲, 几乎快骂他了......)......
for boss, 我只想让他们看到我积极努力工作的一面, 对于今天的争论,虽然当时自己出了一口气,可是 发生这么大的争执, 给老板的印象始终是不好的.何况我还在试用期........

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作者:yang0196 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:20) 发表:2008-09-06 02:17:16  2楼
同意duck的说法谈话心平气和,道理主要在你,所以不需要太怕。 准备以下东西就好: 1)所有的hand-over的list 2)每一个清单上的东西,他有没有hand-over,如果没有,打印一份你催他的email(如果没有email,以后要吸取教训,注意保留白纸黑字),来证明他不合作。 会议时候,在老板的面前和他当面敲定每一项handover的具体时间表。会议结束后,发一份会议简要给所有人。 以后每到一个时间点就email催他,copy boss。所有沟通都通过email来解决,如果他口头答应什么,马上寄一个email给他留作证据。
Key piont是 他的项目一直由他负责, 我不是很熟悉, 我也不确定我需要什么东西,一切都需要他主动给我.
可是工作来的时候, 他就直接丢给我...................
有没有good idea 让他主动一些.............
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作者:yang0196 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:20) 发表:2008-09-06 02:27:39  3楼
就事论事If you think he has something which should pass to u, list them out and tell your boss you have not received yet. For the meeting, don't argue, list down the facts you think he did not pass to you. Let your boss know his action already affected your work or it's his responsibilities. You can tell them you can also work independently without them. In the future, if anything happens due to improper handle-over, it's not your problem. You should also list down everything you should take over from him. Document them down somewhere which is easy to get. It's a small case. No need to be annoyed by such people. Take it easy, man. Proper documentation will do.
Thanks for your kind advice
Very professional~~
But the difficulty is that I am not very familiar with what he is doing now.So I really do not know what I should ask for him.
For him, he just throw the work to me when the project is approaching to the deadline and never show me how to do it. Only at this poit of time, I know what the problem I am facing and , try to come up an idea or look for other resource.. Do you think it is a little bit late?
To be honest, he is a professional and should not do thing like this.
I guess the root course of why he did like this is that he is afraid of my master degree....
You know , for R&D guys , technical skill is the most important thing. so I dont worried too much if I can handle my task. But, for further development and promotion, I must get my colleague's support , obviously, better communication in the team play a significant role.
Can somebody show his experience how to deal with such tough guy? Thanks!
What should I tell my boss and bigger boss in my next monday, from a perspective of the boss?
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