Web Developer @ Muvee
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作者:ffkiller (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:317) 发表:2007-11-16 16:14:56  楼主  关注此帖
Web Developer @ Muvee
Muvee(www.muvee.com),一个不错的做手机软件的公司招人,job description在下面。


Web Developer
You love developing for the web and despite the tons of cross-browser functionality gotchas,
you manage to get your projects out on time and working. You love Ajax and Flash,
you are NOT driven by some religious arguments over which is better,
you just choose the best suitable for a particular project.

- Strong knowledge of OOAD and Design Patterns
- Very comfortable with Ajax based application development (DHTML, JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest, JSON, XML, CSS, etc.)
- Familiar with at least one Ajax javascript library such as jQuery (preferred) or prototype
- Very good understanding of databases, especially MySQL management
- Excellent understanding and programming of PHP5 (including PDO)
- Good understanding of web services, SOAP and REST
- Excellent understanding of Flash: structure, timeline, symbols, supported medias, fonts, versions differences, etc.
- Excellent ActionScript programming (both AS1 and AS2)
- Familiar with open source Flash development tools such as MTASC, ASDT, SWFMill, etc.

- Comfortable with managing Linux at command line and on a desktop
- Flex 2 development and ActionScript 3
- Experience with server side Flash media solution such as Flash Media Server or Red5
- Experience with Flash remoting
- Experience with Flash-to-executable applications such as mProjector or SWFStudio
- Experience with Adobe AIR
- Ecommerce integration with PayPal or other providers
Yes, you have a personality, but dogs have a personality.
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