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作者:longman (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1156) 发表:2006-04-21 15:55:46  7楼 
phd没有那么低的起薪都应该在4000左右。 如果太低的话只有两种可能: 1. 工作能力不行 2. 找工作能力不行 其中2的可能性比较大 :)
two people's story I know
Share some stories with your guys.

One of my friends, whose Phd study was on 4G. As you know Singapore is going to do 3G, but 4G is still something unknown here. My friend could not find suitable job for 6 months in a row. He only got a short-term offer here with around $3000. But now he has got another welfared offer in USA, working on 4G. This story tells not every major can have the same chance, saying in Singapore.

Another friend, whose is also a PhD graduate. He is a truely tech genius and strong at social communication. He used to write a multimedia server system from scratch within 9 months. It can outperform nowadays commercial product. But he accepted a job with also around $3000, because he belives this job can give him long-term advantages and it is beneficial to his career life. This story tells starting salary may not the only stardard to judge a person's capability.

Anyway, good luck to all.
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