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作者:sanjay_sg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:275) 发表:2015-08-11 13:11:00  楼主  关注此帖
*86年女生寻找生命另一半86年女生,在新加坡没什么压力,不知不觉到了这个年纪还是一个人 本人大专学历,做一份文职工作,平常很宅,外出活动就是看看电影,逛逛街。 长相普通(从小到大的夸奖都是可爱,皮肤很白啊这类的),胖瘦适中,身高150(对身高有要求的抱歉浪费您的时间了),BMI 17.7 希望找到一个有眼缘和共同话题,三观合拍,学历大专以上的男生共度一生。 可以站短交换联系方式 --- 本帖已由 空气 在 2015-08-10 16:42:39 时顶起 --- --- 该帖荣获当日十大第8,奖励楼主4分以及6华新币,时间:2015-08-10 22:00:05。
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作者:sanjay_sg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:275) 发表:2015-09-14 10:08:37  2楼
The average Singaporean female stands at 160cmSingaporeans are standing tall with the highest average height in the region, according to a new infographic by ASEAN DNA.  The average Singaporean male measures 171cm in height, 7cm taller than his regional peers.  Meanwhile the average Singaporean female stands at 160cm, compared with the median height for females in the region of 153cm.  In neighbouring Malaysia, the average male is 165cm tall, while the average female stands at 153cm.  Indonesians are smaller in stature: the average male is 158cm tall, while the average female measures 147cm in height. It may not seem like a big deal, but height has long been linked to society’s well-being, and serves as an indicator of access to healthcare and a country’s per capita income. 原文链接:    凭想象发言啥的最无聊了 (more...)
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