【迷情】female, 28, Singaporean looking for ‘expensive’ Boyfriend
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作者:小寒 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:10230) 发表:2014-06-13 09:43:21  楼主  关注此帖评分:
【迷情】female, 28, Singaporean looking for ‘expensive’ Boyfriend
SINGAPORE – Mandy Du, 28, announce to the entire world through internet that she is looking for a boyfriend. “Her expectation of boyfriend is more like a ATM machine”, commented by a citizen.
Below is the statement she wrote:
“Hi everyone! Firstly, I am 28 years old this year and I am currently living in Perth, Australia. if you don’t have a photo, please don’t send me a request. And don’t expect me to make the first move- I think guys should initiate the conversation. Once I accept your request you must contact me within 24 hours. If you don’t I will take that as you’re not interested in talking to me and I will delete you. I am not a patient person and I especially hate wasting my time and waiting for guys who are never online to talk.
I have very expensive taste and I enjoy the finer things in life. I am not a simple girl with simple tastes. I simply refuse to have a boring housewife life where I just manage the home and take care of the kids and not have a life of my own. I want a guy who will provide me with an extravagant lifestyle- he must be able to take me on expensive cruises and holidays and stay at 5 star hotels and dine at the finest restaurants and take me on shopping sprees. I want a guy who treats me like a princess all the time.
I don’t give second chances. I believe giving second chances is like giving a person a second bullet to shoot you with because they missed you the first time. And I certainly don’t have ‘stupid’ written on my forehead. I don’t forgive easily and in some situations I have never forgiven people at all to this day. I don’t trust people easily either so you’re going to have to make the extra effort to gain my trust and most importantly, to keep it.
Just because I’m an Asian girl, it doesn’t mean I am subservient or shy. I defy the Asian girl stereotype and I don’t do as I am told. I bend the rules, I speak up and won’t take crap from people. I am not submissive in any way.
I will not entertain sleazy guys, rude idiots or guys that are full of themselves. There’s a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance.
I want a guy free from his past relationships and ready to commit to me and me only. His relationship history must be exactly that: history. He must not linger on thoughts and feelings for this past girlfriends. Make sure you completely get over them first. He must only have eyes and the heart for me. I will not settle for less.
I want a guy who will financially provide for me. And I must be able to choose if I want to work or not. A genuinely nice guy will give me that freedom of choice. And if I work, I should get to keep what I earn all to myself. If you’re scared of that, then you’re not the guy for me and you should probably bugger off right about now.
I’ll tell you upfront that I am looking for a rich guy. He must be financially able to pay for EVERYTHING- bills, petrol, groceries, mortgage, kids, wedding, honeymoon, etc…and I should not have to pitch in a single cent.
I am NOT paying for anything. With me, there is no such thing as ‘going halves’, ‘you pay this, I pay that’ or ‘let’s split the expenses’- none of that nonsense. I believe the guy pays for everything and I am never backing down from that ever. If that doesn’t suit you, don’t click the ‘contact’ button. It’s simple. I was raised in a very Asian culture and this concept of halving household bills and stuff is unheard of and I am not about to start that ridiculous trend.
This concept of mine is not up for debate and it is not open for discussion or negotiation. It’s really simple: Guy pays everything, girl (me) pays nothing. That’s it. Very straight-forward. No faffing around.
If you are a business owner I am NOT going to work with you or for you. It’s YOUR business. You run it. Don’t involve me at all. The only thing I will involve myself with is the income you earn from running your business. That’s about it. Don’t expect me to work at your business. I’ve had a guy like that before so I dumped him on the spot. You’re no different. If I can do it to him, I can certainly do it to you.
Money is the second most important thing to me after good health. Poverty scares me more than death itself. I’ve been in situations without money and I’ve had a relationship where the guy was poor. I do not want to go there ever again. I also want the sort of guy who would give me access to his money without questions without reservations. It’s about trust and the guy I ultimately choose must be able to give me that.
I want a guy who buys me gifts, lots of gifts such as expensive jewellery, perfumes, clothes, surprise getaways, takes me out to fancy dinners and balls and is always willing to go to the ends of the earth to make sure I stay happy all the time.
He MUST have a high-paying, secure and a proper job. So working at Maccas is definitely out of the question. I don’t mind having a partner who works away (eg: in the mines).
He also must not go to pubs and clubs at all- I absolutely forbid it and he must not contact or go out with female friends. I don’t have any friends who are guys and I want a guy who doesn’t have any female friends either. If you want to keep them, don’t contact me. He absolutely must not be into disgusting things like pornography.
Also, with all due respect, please don’t contact me if you are physically disabled in any shape or form. Frankly I don’t want to spend the rest of my precious life nursing a man child with a condition.
I am NOT getting into a relationship where I just live with the guy forever and never get an engagement ring and never get married. I’m not that type of girl. And I am most certainly am not a loose cannon like most girls are. “If you like it you should have put a ring on it.”
I have very Asian values and I take relationships and marriage very seriously.
I want a guy who finds me irresistibly cute and beautiful even when I have trackies and no make-up on. The perfect guy for me would be the type that loves me whether I look glamorous or not. The perfect guy must not pressure me for anything. Yes, I meant ANYTHING. And that includes that ONE THING guys. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t act like you’re innocent. If he even ‘hints’ about it, it’s ‘bye bye’ forever. I mean it.
He must love me as much even if I gain weight and look fat. He must love me unconditionally. No matter what the circumstances, the perfect guy would NEVER leave me.
I must be number 1 in your life. I must come before anything and anyone else. I will not accept anything less. I must always be a priority. I will not take the back seat. If you think you’re going to struggle putting me number one, I won’t be interested in talking to you.
Guys with exes who are still tagging along, with children, divorced, separated, going through divorce or separation- please don’t contact me at all.”
原标题:“female, 28, Singaporean looking for ‘expensive’ Boyfriend”已由 小寒 在 2014-06-13 09:47:25 时修改 ---
该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2014-06-13 22:00:01。
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作者:小寒 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:10230) 发表:2014-06-13 11:01:59  2楼
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作者:小寒 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:10230) 发表:2014-06-13 14:52:49  3楼
wah...我居然看完了。 哈哈哈哈。 挺有意思的啊。。。
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作者:小寒 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:10230) 发表:2014-06-13 15:19:28  4楼
最不能接受的: I don’t have any friends who are guys and I want a guy who doesn’t have any female friends either 。

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作者:小寒 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:10230) 发表:2014-06-14 07:13:03  5楼
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