Call for travelling partner!!!! to KL 22&23 March(征集一名去KL的小伙伴)鉴于本版很火热,想凑热闹发个征集旅行小伙伴帖子。希望版主海涵。。。。哈哈哈
我和同事(Both female) is planning to go to KL next Sat & Sunday by BUS, for relaxing ONLY.
We will departure from Singapore in the morning and planning to go back in the Sunday Afternoon.
Since KL is not that safe.... 想征集多一两个小伙伴。。。。现有两女一男。。。征另外一男,或者另外三人,这样住宿比较方便。。。
有意者请于本周日前站内信我。thanks a lot!