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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73355) 发表:2010-03-03 23:30:20  楼主  关注此帖
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73355) 发表:2010-03-06 23:08:43  2楼
... 袁部长你也认识啊?
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73355) 发表:2010-03-27 10:52:56  3楼
试一下熊猫的新code,版聚内容综合 时间地点和约定 版聚要玩的游戏 早先的邮件 确定出席的人 我们周六下午1点45分在图上标示的公车站约见。等到2点步行进去,若是迟到的同学可以自己去。可以看见,House是这个地方最里面的那排房子,走进去的话大概要10分钟。 不过,小八卦一下,去House的人从来都不是坐公车的……不是打车就是自己开车…… 地址: 8D dempsey road Singapore 249672 360) this.width=360;" src="upload.php?id=upload4bac233af2198" width="360"> Runebound 符石封印 The world of Runebound is a magical, dangerous world of powerful wizards, noble knights, vicious monsters and power-mad tyrants. It is a world of great quests and mighty deeds. Above all, it is a world of legendary heros, and the time has come for you to join them. Rouebound is a fantasy adventure board game that accommodates one to six players, although it plays best with three or four people. Runebound is playable in two to four hours. Introuduction In Rouebound, you and your opponents take on the roles of Heros questing across the land in search (more...)


8D dempsey road
Singapore 249672

Runebound 符石封印

The world of Runebound is a magical, dangerous world of powerful wizards, noble knights, vicious monsters and power-mad tyrants. It is a world of great quests and mighty deeds. Above all, it is a world of legendary heros, and the time has come for you to join them.
Rouebound is a fantasy adventure board game that accommodates one to six players, although it plays best with three or four people. Runebound is playable in two to four hours.

In Rouebound, you and your opponents take on the roles of Heros questing across the land in search of adventure. Along the way, you will find magical artifacts and cunning allies (represented by Item and Ally cards) to help you in your quest. You will also encounter terrible villains and fiendish traps (represented by adventure cards) that you must overcome in order to complete your quest.

The heart of Runebound is the adventure. The adventure determines the object of your quest, and what wonders and obstacles you will encounter along the way.
The adventure included in this set is “Rise of the Dragon Lords”. In this adventure, the vile necromancer Vorakesh is trying to find the ancient Drangon Runes and use them to resurrect Margath, the long-dead Hign Lord of the evil dragons. As a Hero of the land, it is your duty to stop Vorakesh from carrying out his mad designs.

Object of the game
The object of Runebound is determined by the adventure you are playing. In “Rise of the Dragon Lords”, the object of the game is to either kill High Lord Margath or collect three Dragon Runes. The first player to do either of these is the winner. Killing Margath and collecting Dragon Runes are discussed in detail later in these rules.


A High Caliber Card Game, A game for 4-7 players
Since the beginning, the Outlaws hunt the Sheriff, the Sheriff hunts the Outlaws. The Renegade plots in secret, ready to take one side or the other. But who are the merciless Outlaws, willing to gun him down? To find out you have to draw! (Your cards, that is!)
Bang! is a shootout game, in Spaghetti Western style, between a group of Outlaws and the Sheriff, who is their primary target. The Deputies incognitos help the Sheriff, but there is also a Renegade pursuing his own goal!

In Bang! each player plays one of these role, and represents a famous Wild West inspired character.

Object of the game
Each player has his own goal:
Sheriff: must eliminate all the Outlaws and the Renegade, to protect law and order.
Outlaws: they would like to kill the Sheriff, but they have no scruples about eliminating each other to gain rewards!
Deputies: they help and protect the Sheriff, and share his same goal, at all cost!
Renegade: he wants to be the new sheriff; his goal is to be the last character in play.


很好玩的事情,大概是我提议的这个方式太小资了,目前八位报名的同学都是女同学。不过我想这样应该不妨碍我们版聚吧?两位男生版主和Leo也欢迎来,如果加上你们跟我,就一共有12个人了。所以我想截止这次版聚的活动。如果还有人再报名,我们再办个 “四月物语” 的版聚吧。

请大家再次跟我确定一下是否出席,然后我们可以七嘴八舌来了~~ 我们要玩什么呢?怎么聚呢?

有公车到Holland road, 7, 75, 77, 105, 106, 123, 174, NR8。到了那里以后再步行上去,在比较里面,要稍微走一下。沿街一些很小资的店也可以逛逛。不过直接的方式是打个车过来。



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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73355) 发表:2010-03-27 20:58:02  4楼
应该先写 <ul><li>...再挨个写<div id=...>...</div>
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