成都mm 要求就是高不过好像感觉mm完全不懂感情的样子 '-_-, 有这么好的条件,姐妹们早就抢光了;否则mm果真是很非常特别漂亮,让喜欢你的男人不由自己的为了你去牺牲自己去达到你的要求。。。
I am sorry, the fact is guys are visual animals. To get a nice guy (pay attention: nice guy that you can rely on for the rest of your life, not a cute guy you cant help looking at all the time), you gotta have something superfacial: body, face or both (a sweet personality is a bonus but not necessary). The rule never changed throughout the evolution and will never ever change.
照顾一下我们四川mm: 我这倒有一个候选人,超级sweet and romantic and good looking. 不过是非新加坡外国人,你要么?(if you can speak decent English)+_+