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作者:ABC_CBA (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:14) 发表:2012-06-16 12:16:15  楼主  关注此帖
骑行26KM - North Eastern Riverine Loop, SingaporeSaturday, 9 June 2012 09:00 until 14:00 Discover less-travelled sides of Singapore on the North Eastern Riverine Loop (NERL), which is part of the Park Connector Network (PCN), a system of interlinked pathways and open spaces that conveniently connects our heartlands to all our parks and nature sites. The 26-km NERL of the PCN links up four parks – Punggol Park, Punggol Point Park, Punggol Waterway Park, and Sengkang Riverside Park – and runs through the heartlands of Buangkok, Sengkang, and Punggol, and into the rustic landscapes of Punggol Beach, Punggol Promenade and Lorong Halus Wetland. Distance of NERL: 26km Estimated cycling time: 2 hours Estimated walking time: 3-4 hours Walking and Cycling Route: 1) Punggol Park via Serangoon Park Connector (4.2km) 2) Sungei Serangoon Park Connector (2.1km) 3) Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk (1.3km) 4) Lorong Halus Wetland 5) Punggol Promenade Nature Walk (2.4km) 6) Punggol Promenade Punggol Point Walk and (more...)
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