星期五早上8点的飞机,大约11点半左右到达。香港那边的旅行社有大巴接,但需要等到足够的旅客到达了才会开车,直接导致两个小时白白浪费在机场。好在机场有各种各样的地图,旅游指南等,抱了一大摞慢慢研究。虽然早就订好了旅游路线,但是根据地图做一些细节上的修改还是很必要的。机场有卖八达通卡(相当于Ezlink卡)的柜台,成人卡150港币一张(包括HKD50押金,退卡的时候会退给你的)。其实我们可以办学生卡(HKD70,需要出示有效的证件,matric card比较管用,student pass也可以,但是碰上较真儿的办事人员就不行了,他们需要证件上有个人照片的那种),但是我们忘记这回事儿了。
some comments
1. for "幻 彩 詠 香 江”激光表演, there are fireworks on the building on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe you went on weekdays that day.
2. Victoria Peak tram is not 60 degree. at most 30. hehe... and it is recommanded to get down by bus. you will see another view (night view of of aberdeen, happy valley racing court, wanchai)
3. you can choose to sit on the upper deck of the star ferry, which cost slightly more but get much better view
3. the main difference btw KCR and subway is KCR has more carriages so that it take more people
4. there is nothing wrong with the design of road towards Po Lin Temple and Lan Tau peak, the mountainous landscape explains it. The sky tram from Tung Chung to Po Lin Temple is opening next year
2. Victoria Peak tram is not 60 degree. at most 30. hehe... and it is recommanded to get down by bus. you will see another view (night view of of aberdeen, happy valley racing court, wanchai)
3. you can choose to sit on the upper deck of the star ferry, which cost slightly more but get much better view
3. the main difference btw KCR and subway is KCR has more carriages so that it take more people
4. there is nothing wrong with the design of road towards Po Lin Temple and Lan Tau peak, the mountainous landscape explains it. The sky tram from Tung Chung to Po Lin Temple is opening next year
You may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only one...