2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-26 10:19:58  166楼 
Hahahahahahaha.I welcome your lawyer's letter in my mailbox. I'll take you on in court if I have to, dude. And it's not an accent I'm talking in, but my own way of speaking English. I'm capable of destroying myself just to take you down, mark my words. So what's it, Ching? A lawyer's letter? Take note I'm calling myself such a name as well, for I'm the color of your skin. I can also sue YOU for defaming me. It'll be a countersuit against another. Don't let me see you around -- I'll luck you out, whatever it costs me. Two NS boys against each other -- what a joke. By the way, how short-sighted, narrow-minded you are. You assume that people speak in only one form of English? What a standing joke! Go around Singapore, listen to different educated people speak. And change your own if it contains too many swear words. It shows what a froggie in the well you are, mate. Do not for one second assume I share the slang of the young generation -- I don't.
Last Letter
Alright, I throw in the towel -- I quit. Flame wars are too tiring for me -- pointless -- and I have better things to do on a fine Tuesday morning. I shall not apologize -- there is no reason to -- but I've had my fair share of say, and you as well.

I shall only repeat my initial statement: my Conscience is clear, I did not cheat.
Your "pastoral" scenes of my thieving ways might sound exTREMEly appeeeealing -- even brutally clear in its supposed veracity -- but it's the chess judge's word against your... weightless one.
Go on: pitch in your trump card, get those aforementioned professionals to lay meat to your claims, but otherwise THINK before you shoot down anyone's integrity again. What more -- and a sheer show of cowardice at that -- attack me behind an annonymu screen? I have rebutted you in the open, with my true name -- that shows my openness, with nothing to hide. No ostrich-head in the sands of shame. Come on out if you change your mind about your rodent cowardice, and face me -- the human.

Oh, and I anticipate another flurry of personal attacks from the wretched lips of your hands, but I've had my say. My mailbox remains open should you wish to drop me a letter declaring your phantom identity AND the reason for defacing my name and integrity. (Why not do it openly, tell me straight to the face in your crippled human form, that I'm a cheat? Why hide behind a screen, oh Coward?)

The Musketeer,
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