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作者:丹戎巴葛居民 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:500) 发表:2011-11-30 08:26:19  8楼 
SportAccord 是首届世界智英会的主办机构……他们的网址是:http://www.sportaccord.com 他们为首届世界智力精英运动而设的官网则是 http://www.worldmindgames.net/en/ 新加坡象棋总会网页上的链接正是指向这个网址,并不是回到 世界象棋联合会的网站(资料)。 世界智英会的官网目前好像只有英文版。我尝试把后头的/en 改为/cn,进得去,网页设计结构一样,不过内容是空的。希望 到时他们会推出中文版。 丹戎巴葛君所列的那个“官方网站”,是北京体育局的网站。 我上去看了,并没有世界智英会的消息。也许在赛会期间他们 会开辟专栏吧?

SportAccord Online Xiangqi Tournament Winner



SportAccord World Mind Games online Xiangqi tournament has ended on 6th November.

We are proud to announce the winner, Mr Tang Zhimin from China. Congratulations on the outstanding performance!

The winner will receive an invitation to the first SportAccord World Mind Games (return transportation ticket to the venue in Beijing, China, entry ticket to the Games, accommodation, a commemorative medal and certificate). Awards are provided by Rado and Samsung; the official partners of SportAccord World Mind Games 2011.

SportAccord World Mind Games Online Tournament is organised for each of the mind sports participating in SportAccord World Mind Games; Bridge, Chess, Draughts, Go and Xiangqi. The Tournament used the biggest existing online platforms. The first edition of SportAccord World Mind Games will take place from 8-16 December 2011 in Beijing. This unique multi-sport event highlights the great value of mind sports. The world's best players will deliver top-level performances and create new valuable experiences based on intelligence, strategy and exercise of mind.
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