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作者:由炳 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2) 发表:2011-07-25 13:38:39  81楼 
阿弥驼佛,语言是把双刃剑......Frankly, I am surprised to know that "HUO YING" = "BLS" = YONG XIN. Phychologically, you are using "BLS" to make some "frank" statement just to show that you are not "agreeing" to some of the "BLS" behaviour too. No matter how "frank" or how "true" or how "real" your statement is, we need to put it across to another person in an "effective" way. This will really depend on your intention on whether you really want to put the message across to the person or just want to vent your frustration by shooting directly to the person. Communication is not easy in this world, some more in forum without the enhancement of "body language" We all need to be appreciated and wanting to accept the comments in nicer way. You do it very well as "HUO YING" but do it terribly bad as "BLS", what happened to you? Even father to son nowadays, we need to know how to put the message across nicely, dun talk about the chess friend here in forum, if you are sincere to put the message across to your che (more...)
这世界上很多的纷争都是因为"分别心"而起, 宗教,文化,国籍,种族,教育.........


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