发新帖:请先登录后在左上角找“发表新帖”。已经发表的帖子不可再Move另外不用放(no message)来提醒读者里面没有内容。
读者可看帖子后面的(0 bytes)来知道这个帖子只有标题,没有内容。
Posted 1st topic with your advice. TY
The No Message (NM) is to help me to see my own message because when a lot of replies, hard to see the 0 bytes with the gap in between. Let me know if it is annoying other people.
The No Message (NM) is to help me to see my own message because when a lot of replies, hard to see the 0 bytes with the gap in between. Let me know if it is annoying other people.