hear-say regarding "playing host" about 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛 ......
views regarding playing host from outsider ......
as from beginning, I pay more attention in "how Singapore playing host" as compared to "getting better results" in this 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛.
noticed that and also heard that at least 3 times communication breakdowns with 黄少龙教授 during the period he trained 女子 and 少年棋手, especially to replace him by 柳大华 on 17 Oct 2008 !!!! This is a serious matter and whoever did it has done badly for Singapore (in the area of playing host). (I was not in Singapore that time and I heard from others.)
secondly, I heard that regarding Singapore team of 6 members including 女子 and 少年棋手, one of the members, say “A” wanted to punch another member, say “B”, luckily it did not happen. Could the member B talking something nonsense etc etc and member A almost lost the control etc etc. Anyway, SIXGA may wish to look into this matter. (I also heard from others as I was not around during that per