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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-06 14:02:37  楼主  关注此帖评分:
heard that priority is given to 甘榜格南 members and residents this year, .....heard that priority is given to 甘榜格南 members and residents this year, may invite less teams. 7 of the 18 prizes are reserved for 甘榜格南 members only. For Bishan members, as our club is not opened on coming Saturday (National Day, a public holiday), please let me have the registration forms if any on 16 Aug 2008 (our next activity day) or to arrange to pass the forms to me. For those who have registered with me, I am still holding on to the forms but names have been provided to 甘榜格南. (more...)
Couple of years back there were tournaments like luo ming see cup and more team competitions that requires 3 to 5 players. Why aren't there anymore competitions like these nowadays? The only team events i participated in was the Singapore Malaysia Cup last year and the yishun south 4 players team competition. If you don't mind me saying, i feel it's more meaningful in a way that there are more rounds and this gives the players a higher sense of competitiveness and aim, players take into account their teammates scenarios and can improve team bonding better amongst competitors. More importantly, i feel it adds value and helps promote the sport. I believe funding should not be a top priority because as a player myself i do not expect to receive any or very little prize money for the team competitions(not to mention certain players). (This is in comparison to the recent 9 versus 9 team events)

I feel that it is important to let organisors know the views on promoting the sport and maybe from a different approach can help promote the game better.

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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-06 17:06:27  2楼 评分:
其实所有人都是这么认为的,但苦于没有人举办。1.谁举办?举办必须借助于某个CC和棋队,办成公开赛(非邀请赛)需要有极大的度量允许自己喜欢的和自己不喜欢的棋队棋手都能来参赛,谁肯做? 2.谁出钱?罗明士杯和曾士生杯后,谁能继续出钱?
yes i agree ultimately
the main problem lies in politics and funding. I heard of some that request to be paid even
before they win the tournament and in most occasions I do believe they get paid. If these people that are willing to pay them actually step up to sponsor for tournaments, than we probably would have a brighter future in promoting the sport. Furthermore, some that actually used to sponsor tournaments (due to some personal reasons) have decided not to do so in future. There should always be a line between their own personal feuds and promoting the sport although in most cases they are correlated.

There are people be it ex chess players, chess enthusiasts, or even friends of chess leaders that are too much involved in politics that they actually derail the main objective of the chess association today. There should always be a balance between the two. Like a specific example recently, has caused lots of hoo-ha in the chess circle that is totally unnecessary. Specific players think that they are underpaid to represent the country. On the other hand, the management does not think so because not many people get the opportunity to represent the country and hence look at it as a privilege. Anyway, This is my opinion. It is easier said than done and I hope I did not offend anyone. If I did, I sincerely apologise.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-06 19:33:13  3楼
Maybe not that much about politicsTo my understanding, these are the key factors before politics really plays a part: 1. Which club is willing to organize such a tournament? Usually clubs wish their own teams to have chances to get a place - this is indeed how the ranked + unranked system was invented, for it created more uncertainty and thus more chances for everyone. Strongest clubs might be interested, but this is obviously not their 1st choice of tournament type - This might not mean the club not supporting chess, but rather how best they can get the sponsors interested. 2. Who has the energy to organize such an event? In fact a club needs someone who's experienced and quite free to organize big events. I've seen some such persons stepping out of the chess circle, Right now maybe the 2 clubs with best chance to do so are White Sands and Bishan. Hopefully later we can see more. 3. Where's the sponsorship? This one I don't need to elaborate. 4. What is the venue? That should be a place easy to reach, be (more...)
you could put it this way, it still falls between the two. With more money, people would be willing to organise more competitions when they get paid more and also search for places to organise them and the ones with the money has the say it's tht simple :P
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-06 22:50:23  4楼 评分:
2006 到2008 最难忘的对局 今天比较空闲就发了呵呵:P
吴贵临先负吴宗翰(beidou jan08)

许银川先胜吴宗翰(macau indoor games nov07)




吴宗翰先负孙勇征 (shanghai 2006)

吴宗翰先胜林宏敏 (shanghai 2006)
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-06 22:55:50  5楼
2006 到2008 最难忘的对局 今天比较空闲就发了呵呵:P吴贵临先负吴宗翰(beidou jan08) 许银川先胜吴宗翰(macau indoor games nov07) 吴宗翰先胜黎金福 阮武军先和吴宗翰 谢靖先负吴宗翰 吴宗翰先负孙勇征 (shanghai 2006) 吴宗翰先胜林宏敏 (shanghai 2006) (more...)
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-08 16:21:24  6楼 评分:
ErmNot really, because people might be willing to "donate" a certain amount of money in total within a period, say, in 1 year. Therefore if you put too much resources into 1 event, you might have the rest affected. For example, in year 2000, Singapore had a lot of chess events and many of them gave high cash prizes. In year 2001 the circle became much more quiet, probably even more quiet than 1997. Afterward it became worse and worse with the economy until about 2005. In the recent few years we can see many tournaments had the cash prizes cut short, partly due to funding issues. Sadly to say, the reason why more team tournaments instead of individual tournaments are organized is mainly due to the ratio of funding vs number of participants. However on the other hand, we can see that organizing a tournament might not need that much money, regardless whether it's a team or individual one, even though every winner wishes the figure to increase. :) The more important thing is still whether there are clubs or peo (more...)
in the first place i don't think we can find many so called "donations" and every year it's pretty obvious that the usual people are the ones making the donations but is that sufficient? That is also one of the main reasons why chess cannot be a professional sport. Because we do not have many rich people playing the sport. If there are, everything would be different. People would be more willing to do it if they're paid. Of course if you're talking about doing it for free than it's probably different. But mainly the driving factors are money and people that have the ability is usually people that are either more well to do themselves that desire to manage the commitee or has someone behind them to support them. But i totally agree that you'll have different organisers organising and deciding who to take part but ultimately, it is money's fault you can't blame organisors not inviting some teams though it is not very fair. Most of the time, i believe they are more like the middleman being manipulated. The fear that in future these so called "donations" would not be donated again.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-09 00:28:37  7楼
Well, talk about the sponsorship...Maybe there are not too few sponsors, but if we try to figure out the reason why number of them appears to decrease, that's politics. On the other hand, this is in fact not the determining factor. The more important thing, as what I believe SIXGA trying to do, is to gain more recognition of the Singapore Sports Council. When Xiangqi participated in the Asian Indoor Games at Macau last year and won 3 medals (no criticism on you. You played in the toughest group and you contributed equally many efforts), certainly it helps, but we still have a long way to go. If Xiangqi is sponsored by the country, you probably don't need to worry about many things like now.
some corrections...
Firstly from 几度's post, Team Singapore Won 2 medals from the Xiangqi category not 3 medals. One Silver from IM Kang Derong, one bronze from IGM Zhang Xin huan and 4th place for me. Secondly to 碧山's post of volunteers, i believe most of them are volunteers however people like wang xing nan being referee i believe get paid, or perharps tuan seng. Please correct me if i'm wrong as i heard this from someone so this information might not be correct. I'm just saying that if they get paid, they would be more willing to organize competitions although they volunteer. Treating it more like an incentive.

The sport would surely be promoted better if we have the government's support. That is very true i totally agree. However, can u guarantee that we would get silver or bronze in the next competition. Lets be realistic, the competition would be stiffer.(5 players in woman's category)(4players in speed chess category)and lastly(5 players in individual category, All of them are IGM I'm the lowest rank as an IM) the only person that has the highest possibility to get a medal again is IGM Zhang Xin Huan(top 3). In order for the Government to support us currently is a secondary issue in my view. Reason being the results we produce. How long can we sustain this results? Currently i feel our greatest priority would be to promote the sport better internally so that we would be able to attract more youngsters to take up the sport and to spot for more talent thats why i added that events like 团体赛 would help. At the same time from a macro perspective, as China becomes more prominent and chess becomes more popular amongst youngsters than we would have a larger ocean to manipulate with. At this point in time the government wouldn't help much. Well, at least for the next couple of years.

It is also true that less people sponsor the competitions due to politics. Thats why i mentioned earlier on that the chess circle evolves between money and politics. However, how can the chess association promote the sport? From my view would be to have a strong national team to attract new talent, organize more competitions as well as higher prize money(to increase competitiveness between ichess and xiangqi). Without these sponsors, how are they going to make it work?

If we notice, it is usually the few people making the "important decisions" and these people are either people with money that sponsor or they are good friends with these people. (please pardon me for being straightforward :P) Ultimately, steps they make are crucial for the future of the sport.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-09 12:08:08  8楼
should we pay the volunteers ? ........ regardless the volunteers from Bishan Club, SIXGA or other clubs, our practices to pay tokens of allowances (we paid between $25 to $60 per actual work day from the past 6 years records, no payment for the planning and preparation) as ways to show our appreciations to them, the differences could be we pay less to our members in general. We should not expect free services from volunteers as they need to spend times, take leave etc. Of course, there is no way for us to pay so call x times of "one-day salary" to them for taking leave to work with us for x days.
i think u misinterpret what i'm trying to say?
It would be good for people to volunteer and volunteers are actually very important people as the play a big role in promoting the game. Speaking about paying them for 车马费is the minimum amount they should get paid. Basically the chess association is really not much of an association without chess players and people that volunteer to organise chess competitions. Hence the chess association should probably try to market and advertise in a different way to get sponsors.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2008-08-09 12:21:58  9楼
Previous Discussion on donations ......... you may wish to know a discussion on donations in Apr 2008 as below : http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11011092 regarding 罗明士杯个人赛 and 团体赛, the formal MP 罗明士先生, many years with 甘榜格南, stepped down after the Singapore General Elections held in May 2006, the 个人赛 was renamed as 甘榜格南象棋个人赛 and still continue until now, as for 团体赛, from what I heard also due to a complaint during 2005 罗明士杯团体赛 and ended up with the present situation. As mentioned in some of the earlier posts, the organisers are volunteers, usually they do not mind to spend times to plan and arrange the competitions, but they do have a strong feelings if there are complaints after the hard works.
i'm not sad.
The Governement works like a bank. No results, they sack u. They're very realistic people. in a competitive society like ours espiecially how are u going to market yourself to make them feel that you would make it unless u produce results? Maybe u can hire some 特级大师come to singapore conduct courses constantly? but that would mean the opportunity cost would be high this narrows down to where do we find our cashflow "again".
i'm just trying to state my personal views on promoting the game. As a chess player, i feel there is a need to constanting look for new talent and to improve the standard of the natinoal team.
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