请问SOC学长学姐FYP的细节大学太懒了,逼到FYP必需拿A,但听说SOC的FYP很让人suffer的,很担心拿不到.学长学姐们方不方便介绍下你们的经验,大概要多努力才够啊?有哪些要特别注意的呢?有没有地方可以找到past year HYP project的grade呢?
另外,系上邮件说FYP 80%成绩来自supervisor以外的两位教授,这两位教授一般是哪里的啊?是supervisor邀请还是系上安排呢?
If you have the ability to get an A for FYP
you wouldn't come to today's stage to force yourself to get an A for FYP.
Grade is confidential information. There is nowhere in NUS where you can find a single grade for any module for any student. Please give up this idea and simply focus on your study.
You may ask your supervisor for advice. They are more experienced.
Grade is confidential information. There is nowhere in NUS where you can find a single grade for any module for any student. Please give up this idea and simply focus on your study.
You may ask your supervisor for advice. They are more experienced.