About Special Consideration Form刚刚考完一门课,觉得考得是超级无敌恶心,(期末50%)同时平时的CA也不是很好,很害怕会fail...
如果交special consideration form会有帮助吗?是不是说当天就要去YIH开MC?最晚交form的时间是哪天啊?另,如果fail了要求review exam paper会不会有pass的可能性?可能性大吗?
ma1505 lecturer的邮件(有关拿MC的)
发件人: mattanv@nus.edu.sg [mailto:mattanv@nus.edu.sg]
发送时间: 2006年11月26日 14:29
主题: IVLE: MA1505(B): Some tips
Dear all,
I hope you all are in "good condition" for the exam.
However, if you are feeling so unwell that you think it will affect your perfomance in the exam, my advice is to go and see the university doctor (preferably before the exam, unless you suddenly fall sick during exam) and get an MC that cover the day of your exam.
1. If you are really ill but has no MC, the university will not entertain your appeal for poor exam performance.
2. If you have an MC but still sit for the exam and pass, your grade will probably stay even if you appeal.
3. If you have an MC and do not sit for exam, then your module is considered "incomplete" and you have to retake the module next semester. The "incomplete grade" will not be counted and will not affect your CAP.
4. You can still take MA1506 next semester even if you have "incomplete grade" for MA1505.
5. More info here: https://stuweb.nus.edu.sg/registrar/exam/faq.htm#Q6
Wish you good luck
发送时间: 2006年11月26日 14:29
主题: IVLE: MA1505(B): Some tips
Dear all,
I hope you all are in "good condition" for the exam.
However, if you are feeling so unwell that you think it will affect your perfomance in the exam, my advice is to go and see the university doctor (preferably before the exam, unless you suddenly fall sick during exam) and get an MC that cover the day of your exam.
1. If you are really ill but has no MC, the university will not entertain your appeal for poor exam performance.
2. If you have an MC but still sit for the exam and pass, your grade will probably stay even if you appeal.
3. If you have an MC and do not sit for exam, then your module is considered "incomplete" and you have to retake the module next semester. The "incomplete grade" will not be counted and will not affect your CAP.
4. You can still take MA1506 next semester even if you have "incomplete grade" for MA1505.
5. More info here: https://stuweb.nus.edu.sg/registrar/exam/faq.htm#Q6
Wish you good luck