SOC old text books - Give AwaySOC 教课书(参考书):
1.实用C++编程大全(中文) Steve Oualline 著 O’REILLY
2.ASP 3.0 专业 Web 技术(中文) Alex Homer 著 WROX
3, Business Writing for Dummies
4, Computer Organization & Design
The Hardware/Software Interface
David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
5, Red Hat Linux 从入门到精通(中文) Arman Danesh 著 SYBEX
6, Java Structures Data Structures in Java for the Principled Programmer Duane A. Bailey Mc Graw-Hill
8, Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach
John L Hennessy& David A Patternson
数据结构与算法分析 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis(中文) Clifford A. Shaffer 著 Prentice Hall
10, Classical and Object Oriented Software Engineering with UML and Java Stephen R. Schach McGrawHill
11, Computer Networks A Systems Approach Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S.Davie
12, Core J2EE Patterns Best Practice and Design Strategies Deepak Alur. John Crupi. Dan Malks
13, EJB Design Patterns Advanced Patterns, Processes and Idioms Floyd Marinescu
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