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作者:印象派 (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:6862) 发表:2005-03-15 18:15:27  楼主  关注此帖评分:
回 :推荐一个生物系的好supervisor吧DBS? 那个领域? 你对啥感兴趣?  DBS 牛人众多,哪个都不错啊。   
I'm majoring biomedicine.

I've done two urops on protein biomarker.

and now doing ISM(independ study module) on bioinformatics...

so far as I know, not every professor is good supervisor....

i prefer lab with a nice supervisor(nice to student and superb in research, teaching skill is minor)and some nice chinese seniors too...

anyone you know ah....

tell me tell me~

ps:can we choose honor year project different from our concentration?

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作者:印象派 (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:6862) 发表:2005-03-16 13:39:36  2楼
reI'm majoring biomedicine. I've done two urops on protein biomarker. and now doing ISM(independ study module) on bioinformatics... so far as I know, not every professor is good supervisor.... i prefer lab with a nice supervisor(nice to student and superb in research, teaching skill is minor)and some nice chinese seniors too... anyone you know ah.... tell me tell me~ ps:can we choose honor year project different from our concentration?
Assoc Professor Urs Alex Boelsterli
Dr Dawe,Gavin Stewart
Dr Zhu Yi Zhun
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作者:印象派 (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:6862) 发表:2005-03-25 03:44:42  3楼
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