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作者:sunnyone (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2148) 发表:2004-03-17 13:36:14  楼主  关注此帖
想在SOC范围里选怎么还会有NTU?CE应该是NTU的强些, 从前两年就业情况就看出来了... CS只有NUS的SOC有吧? NTU最近开设全软的了没? 在SOC里又分CS, IS, CE等, 其中IS在国际上比较强. 读计算机, 最好是有点基础, 这样开始不吃力, 包括编程或计算机原理方面的.
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作者:sunnyone (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2148) 发表:2004-03-17 13:38:28  2楼
nus cs undergrad program is goodand has a quite nice fame :) IS too, probably better. not very sure about ce or ntu programs, though. however i think that should be a concern only if u can be a top student. o/w whether the program is famous or what would not make much difference for you. I dun think previous computer or programming experience is a requirement. while it's a plus to some extend, without hard working it definitely won't help u much. one thing extra.. i feel that the first year is vital. so try to perform as good as u can :)
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