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作者:mu_lan (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2455) 发表:2003-03-06 10:17:34  楼主  关注此帖评分:
对于digital signal processing, 我有疑问Currently I am in EEE and going for speclization soon. I want to choose DSP but really knew nothing about it. I have a few questions? 1.How is the course conducted differently in comparison with the one in computer engineering? 2.Is programming skills quite important in this course? 3.Does it touch hardware or just pure analysis of signals? 4. Is it wise to choose DSP for scholars like us? Thanks for your kindly reply
1 I can't remember since when computer engineering has DSP course.
2 DSP does no programming, you are going to be thrown into a pool of math, it prepares you for future research work.
3 Most likely you will not be touching signals at all because you have not enough math fundamental skills to talk about digital signals.
4 If you are not going to specialize in digital communication, do not choose it.

neverthless, the course itself opens a door for you, although you are only given a glimpse of digital communication world.

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