======== 第12天 (14Sep)========
Morning: One grated carrot with lemon.
Afternoon: One large slice of lean fish with lemon and some butter sauce.
Evening: 200 gram steak with lettuce, boiled cellery and fennel.
Weight: -0.5kg
Fat%: -0.6%
Water%: +0.3%
Total weight lost so far: -3kg (昨天加0.5,今天减0.5,所以没变)
Afternoon: One large slice of lean fish with lemon and some butter sauce.
Evening: 200 gram steak with lettuce, boiled cellery and fennel.
Weight: -0.5kg
Fat%: -0.6%
Water%: +0.3%
Total weight lost so far: -3kg (昨天加0.5,今天减0.5,所以没变)