I am also on diet
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作者:蓝色妖姬 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:171) 发表:2003-05-02 11:16:19  楼主  关注此帖评分:
减肥之偶谈。。经过N次大大小小的减肥 看到身边朋友减肥成功也好不成功也好 总结出一点什么 虽然前人早都总结出来了 但是亲身经验总结出来的感觉不同 首先早饭可以多吃一点点。。午饭吃的清但 晚上最好不要吃。。连水都少喝。。 然后一定要坚持锻炼。。慢跑最好。。既然现在学校游泳池不开 而且可以配合一些减肥产品,。。最好是外用的 三管齐下 在加上毅力和恒心 不想瘦也难 如果有一些安全性高的减肥药也可以试一试 因为那样可以帮助你抑制食欲。。 不会那么痛苦 最后一点 最好找一个意志力强的人和你一起锻炼减肥。。 我才坚持了两天就减了2公斤 还有就是每天最好吃一粒维他命。。保证营养。。 减肥的同志门加油呀。。
I am also on diet
started from this monday. my diet plan is very strict:
breakfast: eat at most 2 loaf of wholemeal bread (no time to eat oat + milk because i am doing IA now, every morning is like fighting)
lunch: one cup of oat + milk
dinner: most of the time don't eat, or if really can't bare, eat a tomato a cucumber
exercise: at least 1 hour aerobics and 150 situps per day. others like use stairs instead of life, stand after eat, walking 30-40 min per day,ect.
water drink at least 3000-4000ml water per day i am doing IA now, must sleep early and get up early, and also no time to eat snacks. i hope this diet plan will work. my target is to lose 6kg in 8 weeks. come on jjmms, let's do it together.
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作者:蓝色妖姬 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:171) 发表:2003-05-02 12:45:07  2楼
your plan is much more strict than minebut my target is much more bigger than yours my target is 5kg in 10 days haha 说实话我觉得你吃的太少。。。坚持不了那么长时间。。而且减肥只要不坚持就会功亏与愧。。 而且你的食谱特别单条。。我觉得前几天可能还好。。不过之后肯定食欲特别好如果没有任何减肥药物配合抑制食欲的话。。所以如果你很大恒心的话。。绝对可以没有问题。。但是如果不能坚持的话。。而且记得每天一粒维他命啊。。 WATSON 和GNC都有卖。。。但是小心。。听联合早报上说有一些品牌不和规定。。 如果真的饿的话。。 我觉得我那一招真的有用。。 去WATSON买那种裹在肚子上的东西。。4。5新币。。因为是有弹性的。。裹的紧紧的。。然后运动的时候会发很多汗。。很有效果对腹部。。。尤其是你做SIT UP 的时候。。 而且平常裹不会感觉很饿。。我一般平常都不裹。。昨天晚上有点饿。。就裹着睡觉。。一直到现在都没有一点饥饿感觉。。要是平常早上都会饿死的 一起加油吧。。互相交流经验呀。。 祝我们和所有减肥的JJMMGGDD门都可以成功
you are so ambitious!
honestly i think it is not healthy to lose 5kg in 10 days. i remembered once i read an article and it said that better don't lose more than 1 kg in a week.
i agree that my lunch is kinda boring, but that is just a general plan, i will change accordingly if i find i am tired of it. but the calory should be more or less the same.
i will try the belt you suggested, and also in take vitamins. my mama bought me a lot of vitamins from china, don't know when can finish.
besides, you would like to add my msn?so we can communicate. i have already bet with Hui Lan, see who can reach the target first. :P if it is ok, i will add you tonight when i go back. shangshan_daye@hotmail.com, right?
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作者:蓝色妖姬 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:171) 发表:2003-05-02 14:43:26  3楼
another tip is..drink a cup of water once u wake up with a bit drops of VINEGAR...good for health and good for facial..
yes, that's correct
i used to drink like that before but not now. every morning after woke up i drank about 500ml warm water with honey since last semester till this feb, but later gave up because really dislike the taste of honey here. now i drink warm water with a bit salt, it is said this help to clean the internal system.

i also tried some dietary medicine befoe but no use at all and very expensive (i bought at GNC). now i completely give up trying the medcine.i gained about 3 kg last year, so i really want to lose 6-7 kg at the time my IA finished.

all the best!
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