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作者:spyr (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:703) 发表:2021-01-08 11:27:58  楼主  关注此帖
【住房问题】年轻的朋友们, 你们用多少巴仙的收入用来租房?Use the 40 percent expense ratio guideline   This is one of those financial rules of thumb, like saving 20 percent of your pay cheque. When you’re picking between units, you can pay less attention to the price difference when it still falls within the realm of affordability. For example, say you have a monthly income of $7,500. You would then budget a maximum of $3,000 a month for you to spend on rent. Between a unit that costs $2,600 a month, and a unit that costs $3,000 a month, you’ll know you’re “safe” picking the more expensive unit. It still falls within the realm of affordability. As to why 40 percent, that’s because it still allows you save and have decent discretionary income. In the case of $7,500, you could still save $1,500 a month for emergencies, and have $3,000 a month to spend on scented candles, string quartet concerts, and other things that only expatriates buy. 你有按专家的建议分配你的收入吗? 总体而言, 你应该用 (more...)


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作者:spyr (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:703) 发表:2021-01-20 14:56:33  2楼
政府政策问题政府大量的限制hdb出租,能符合要求出租的本身不多,HDB不愁租,怎么破都有人住当然不需要给你装修了。公寓价格高昂全球名列前茅, 另外租房条款保护房东多于保护租客。 最神奇的是开超低工资的wp只能住在集体宿舍,还附带一堆不怎么人道的签证条款。这次疫情劳工这个口损失惨重只能说出来混总是要还的。
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作者:spyr (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:703) 发表:2021-01-20 17:29:34  3楼
群租可以打击隔壁群租的话举报就是了,而政策性歧视又是另一回事。毕竟剥削外劳来发展还可以持续多少年始终是个问号。等东南亚其他国家生活水平上去了以后怎么办?只能上机器人劳工了? 我倒是觉得如果能把JB弄进新加坡版图的话,很多问题都能解决。可惜啊

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