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作者:匿名小ID (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2078) 发表:2021-01-08 14:20:24  楼主  关注此帖
【住房问题】年轻的朋友们, 你们用多少巴仙的收入用来租房?Use the 40 percent expense ratio guideline   This is one of those financial rules of thumb, like saving 20 percent of your pay cheque. When you’re picking between units, you can pay less attention to the price difference when it still falls within the realm of affordability. For example, say you have a monthly income of $7,500. You would then budget a maximum of $3,000 a month for you to spend on rent. Between a unit that costs $2,600 a month, and a unit that costs $3,000 a month, you’ll know you’re “safe” picking the more expensive unit. It still falls within the realm of affordability. As to why 40 percent, that’s because it still allows you save and have decent discretionary income. In the case of $7,500, you could still save $1,500 a month for emergencies, and have $3,000 a month to spend on scented candles, string quartet concerts, and other things that only expatriates buy. 你有按专家的建议分配你的收入吗? 总体而言, 你应该用 (more...)
租一间common room 500-600新币。
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作者:匿名小ID (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2078) 发表:2021-01-08 14:53:29  2楼
我在加拿大的时候一直租房子那边房子都是空屋出租,自己可以买高档家具使用,还可以把墙刷成自己喜爱的颜色,墙上还可以钉钉子挂画或者挂窗帘。 生活质量颇高,很多人常年租房,租十年的都有。有很多公寓被房产公司包下,专门拿来出租,不卖。租房的好处还有一个,遇到别的城市有个好的工作机会,直接收拾包裹走人就行了,方便,人不被房子绑住脚。那边房产税也颇高,买房花的钱还多一些。 到了新加坡就不行了,租房子这限制那限制。而且都是很烂的家具,很差的装修拿出来给租客用,碰坏一点就是这赔那赔,真正住起来舒服的好房子很少人拿到市面上租的。我租了几个月就赶紧开始着手买房子了,要我把钱丢租房上连续很多年我肯定不愿意的,生活质量差,这钱划不来。这边自住房产税也很低,买房还是比租房好。
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