【准证入籍】男150k女70k带娃申请pr,三个月秒拒了!Hi Guys, After a lo deliberation we decided to apply for PR. Seeking your opinion on our chances of success:
Profile: Indian Family Husband, wife and a baby boy aged 17 months In Singapore: from December 2013 #Application: First application Job:
Husband: $150K, working in a well known organization and work in a niche area related to data science, machine learning etc (Age 33), B.Tech + MBA from India , CFA + FRM, 2nd job in Singapore
Wife: $70K, working in a well known start up in digital space, BTech + MBA from India, 3rd Job in Singapore Enough savings to show in bank account.
Please advise. We are in love with Singapore, also for a reason that our son was born here and would be like a home for him. Havent yet stayed in any other city for such a long time in our career. Love the way Singapore embraces different culture and is supportive in many aspect. Look forward to hear your views. Thanks !!该帖荣获当日十大第5,奖励楼主10分以及15华新币,时
感觉印度人个个都是印度的B Eng + 印度MBA
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