可以告诉你朋友的朋友的朋友,此路不通THD v THE [2015] SGFC 136
there was a dispute in respect of the sum of $340,000 which had been withdrawn by the Wife from her bank accounts in the months preceding the granting of the Interim Judgement.
11 In this regard, it was undisputed that the Wife had made cash withdrawals of $210,000 on 6th March 2013 and $130,000 on 6th November 2013 for the purpose of creating two trusts in favour of the daughter [Note 1]. The Wife explained that she had taken these steps to “bypass the probate process” in the event of her untimely death. The Husband contended that these amounts should be included into the matrimonial pool as the Wife’s assets.
12 The Husband’s counsel referred to the commentary made by Professor Leong Wai Kum in Elements of Family Law in respect of the unreported case of CH v CI [2004]SGDC 131 where she commented at page 584 in respect of insurance policies as follows:
“Where no irrevocable trust has been made, the court will have full
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