本人国大master,来了新加坡一年零一个月。之前没去过美国,持学生证(student pass).
今年拿到University of Chicago的offer, full scholarship. 很多人都给我讲,要回国去F1签证,因为以前在国内悲剧过,所以干脆就在新加坡试了一把。结果发现这里的签证比国内简单多了。因为我在这边时间不畅,索性回国计划就说回中国,这边的签证官也没提出异议。我觉得对大多数这边的Master应该很有帮助。
VO: Visa officer, Me: 就是我自己
VO: Good morning.
Me: Good morning.
VO: You are coming for visa?
Me: Yes, I would like to apply visa for my PhD in University of Chicago.
VO: What is your major?
VO: What are you doing in SG? Are you working?
Me: No, I am a student from National University of Singapore.....
VO: When did you come to Singapore?
Me: March, 2005.........I have been focusing on .....research
VO: You haven't been here very long....
Me: Yes. But I used all my time in doing ...research, therefore, I am able to graduate earlier than expected....And I plan to go back to China, do ...... 说了一大全回国计划。
VO: So you want to go back to China to do business? What is XXXX business about? Can you be more elaborate?
Me: 我又 bla..bla..解释了一遍
VO: Where is your parents?
Me: They are in China.
VO: Have you got your degree?
Me: My thesis has been submitted. I will get it in July. I want to continue my research in U Chicago...
VO: By the way, you have been to Korea?
Me: yes, for a conference.
VO: You know, University of Chicago is a good school...wish you a nice time in Illinois..I approve your visa and you can get your passport from Travel Agent next Tuesday afternoon.
一颗石头落地。。。因为是第二个,面试完才9点15分。我没立即就走,在椅子上休息了一下。其他几个窗口也有4~5个国大的Master student 中国人, 基本上都签过了。只是有一个Pakistan的南大学生没有过。
感觉这边的VO比国内的kind, 而且新加坡签证都是坐着排队。。不像北京,得站着等两个小时
今年拿到University of Chicago的offer, full scholarship. 很多人都给我讲,要回国去F1签证,因为以前在国内悲剧过,所以干脆就在新加坡试了一把。结果发现这里的签证比国内简单多了。因为我在这边时间不畅,索性回国计划就说回中国,这边的签证官也没提出异议。我觉得对大多数这边的Master应该很有帮助。
VO: Visa officer, Me: 就是我自己
VO: Good morning.
Me: Good morning.
VO: You are coming for visa?
Me: Yes, I would like to apply visa for my PhD in University of Chicago.
VO: What is your major?
VO: What are you doing in SG? Are you working?
Me: No, I am a student from National University of Singapore.....
VO: When did you come to Singapore?
Me: March, 2005.........I have been focusing on .....research
VO: You haven't been here very long....
Me: Yes. But I used all my time in doing ...research, therefore, I am able to graduate earlier than expected....And I plan to go back to China, do ...... 说了一大全回国计划。
VO: So you want to go back to China to do business? What is XXXX business about? Can you be more elaborate?
Me: 我又 bla..bla..解释了一遍
VO: Where is your parents?
Me: They are in China.
VO: Have you got your degree?
Me: My thesis has been submitted. I will get it in July. I want to continue my research in U Chicago...
VO: By the way, you have been to Korea?
Me: yes, for a conference.
VO: You know, University of Chicago is a good school...wish you a nice time in Illinois..I approve your visa and you can get your passport from Travel Agent next Tuesday afternoon.
一颗石头落地。。。因为是第二个,面试完才9点15分。我没立即就走,在椅子上休息了一下。其他几个窗口也有4~5个国大的Master student 中国人, 基本上都签过了。只是有一个Pakistan的南大学生没有过。
感觉这边的VO比国内的kind, 而且新加坡签证都是坐着排队。。不像北京,得站着等两个小时