cross cable, or RS232 serial port
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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6859) 发表:2004-10-27 21:00:30  楼主  关注此帖评分:
笔记本和台式机怎么直接传送数据?而不是每个机器连接到网络上,在共享了之类的拖到另一台机器上?? 谢谢!
cross cable, or RS232 serial port

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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6859) 发表:2004-10-27 21:01:57  2楼
cross cable, or RS232 serial port
or USB cable (with software driver)
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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6859) 发表:2004-10-28 00:21:29  3楼
for cross cable
if both desktop and laptop have network card,
you can connect them with one cross cable (different from the one you use to connect desktop/laptop to network socket)

then configure the two computer's ip to be in same sub-network, say and

then you can do ftp or network sharing within the two.

USB data transfer suite is available in market, around S$50(??)
it connect two pc with USB cable, and need to install software driver.

for serial port cable i never tried, but it should be working in some way.
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