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作者:云飘飘 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:521) 发表:2004-09-30 21:52:37  楼主  关注此帖



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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2004-09-30 22:04:41  2楼 评分:
for 136 i am sure can
normally it is 0.20 per sms. but unfortunately , my friend cannot sms me back.
outgoing number must be this format
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作者:伢伢 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:165) 发表:2004-09-30 22:18:03  3楼 评分:
连MMS都可以发的,至少starhub可以, 这年代通信多发达啊
S$0。15 一条,国内发过来是一元人民币一条,有段时间促销,只要五毛一条。
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作者:lifeTaster (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:1239) 发表:2004-09-30 22:54:58  4楼 评分:
from my experience
I never failed to reach my friend in china via global sms (tried 135~,137~,136~,138~...).
However, sometimes I can not get my friend's reply. Someone said that only 全球通 can send global sms which is not yet verified. If you have frequent contact with your friends in China, my suggestions are:

1> ask your friends to send online sms which is free for Singtel and $0.1 for M1 (charged on you; u should subscribe), which are normally limited to either 10 or 20 sms/day.
2> using IM software such as QQ from Tencent.
3> use MSN Robut which used to be my favorite. Just add one robot's msn account and send sms by following some coding mechanism. Usu. you have to register with the help of a friend in China. RMB0.1/sms. 1 extra free with every 10 sent.
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作者:百及子 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:3259) 发表:2004-10-01 22:28:19  5楼
for 136 i am sure cannormally it is 0.20 per sms. but unfortunately , my friend cannot sms me back. outgoing number must be this format +86136********
啊 这个你就亏大了

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