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作者:paddysky (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:267) 发表:2004-09-20 23:16:43  楼主  关注此帖评分:
请问大侠:这段文字怎么翻译!Objective Students are introduced to the finer points of interpersonal communication; challenged to apply critical thinking to their consumption of the mass media; exposed to the complexity of delivering information in organisational and mediated communication situations; and, broaden their horizons through the study of international and intercultural communication. Nature of Programme This is a rigorous eight-semester programme designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the nature of human communication, its media, and its effects. In addition to the major in communication, students earn a minor in marketing. The programme is offered full-time and can be completed within three years. 如果只需要直译的话,怎么翻译呢?谢谢各位了啊!
学生 被 介绍到 适当的 人际交流地点,给以 应用辩论式思维到他们群众媒体消费(:-))的挑战;使他们传送信息的复杂性暴露在团体和中介交流的情形中; 并且扩大他们的水平 通过国际交流和文化交流的学习

这是一个严格的8学期的计划 设计为 提供 广泛的人际间交流,媒介以及影响的本性的知识。除了主要的交流沟通外,学生可以赢得一门市场学的辅修课。这个计划是全职的,并且可以在三年内完成
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