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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2004-09-13 17:31:57  4楼 
Is it becoz i didn't ask for a travle agent to apply?Thanks Flying. But I asked around at school and there's never a rejection case happened for a conference visa. I don't understand why it happened to me. Is it becoz i applied myself (walk-in interview) instead of asking a travle agent to process? Do you think if i ask a travle agent to apply it'd help? U said "based on your persoanl experience".. So did you also get rejected for a conference? Can you share more of your personal experience? My MSN is "sshennews@hotmail.com". Thanks for your kind help.
Never? I was rejected twice!
There is some slight differences between walk-in and through travel agents. But if the reason they gave is as what you expressed, I'm not expecting a turn over easily...

I got rejected twice for SIGGRAPH 2000 when I was in my 3rd year in NUS. Went through travel agency, got all the necessary documents and supports, but they were as ridiculous as they could. Finish.
Flying @way 吳穎暉
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