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作者:CitiNomad (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:42) 发表:2004-09-09 17:43:10  楼主  关注此帖


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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2004-09-09 18:47:00  2楼 评分:
You can only get a reliable trace if you are the router!
If not, any trace is just an estimate. If you are sharing the same LAN as the other machines only, most packet dumping software will do it fine (provided you are on shared media with the other machines, otherwise, your router will not allow you to see traffic by other machines.)
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作者:Aussie (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:349) 发表:2004-09-09 19:04:16  3楼

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作者:CitiNomad (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:42) 发表:2004-09-09 20:01:27  4楼
一点都不象Nomad.哪里的游牧民族这么斤斤计较?:P 平均计算费用就罢了。
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作者:Aussie (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:349) 发表:2004-09-09 20:28:43  5楼
你想太多了这个跟费用当然没有关系。 只是研究研究网络罢了
i see.
then i talk less...
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2004-09-09 23:35:19  6楼 评分:
No such thing if you access from your host
and the network is well-designed network with security consideration, where if you are not priviledged, you are not able to see any other's traffic.

If you have the access to the distribution/core switch/router, you can use port mirror to "copy" the data to another port where you can have software/hardware network analyzer to calculate the thing.

If you have access, you also can use IP accounting to calculate the average bandwidth utilization in a certain period of time.
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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2004-09-10 09:32:53  7楼
No such thing if you access from your hostand the network is well-designed network with security consideration, where if you are not priviledged, you are not able to see any other's traffic. If you have the access to the distribution/core switch/router, you can use port mirror to "copy" the data to another port where you can have software/hardware network analyzer to calculate the thing. If you have access, you also can use IP accounting to calculate the average bandwidth utilization in a certain period of time.
Pls lah... don't think so chim 1st...
A lot of real-life cases are simpler than your situations.
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2004-09-10 12:14:51  8楼
Pls lah... don't think so chim 1st...A lot of real-life cases are simpler than your situations.
Hoho. It IS real life
Try to dig out some other's traffic from NUS network? Can you make it?
(It's true in some cases, like some switches in some area are physically not well-protected, you can easily get access and do a port mirror and run away before get caught. :) But in most case I don't think you can.)
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