require mplayer?
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作者:吴永铮 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2078) 发表:2003-12-25 14:04:07  楼主  关注此帖评分:
Watch Webcasting on Linux!!I have just figured out how to watch webcasting on Linux OS, i would like to share this little trick with anyone interested and still wondering... This method works on RedHat Linux 9 and Fadero Core 1, with mozilla browser, version 1.5. I guess it should be working with all linux distribution with all Mozilla-family browser. here it goes: 1. download [the file should be named: mplayerplug-in-1.0.tar.gz] after download, close(including doanload manager) mozilla! 2. $gunzip mplayerplug-in-1.0.tar.gz 3. $tar -xf mplayerplug-in-1.0.tar 4. $cd mplayerplug-in 5. $su 6. #./configure 7. #make 8. now, let's assume your mozilla directoy is /usr/local/mozilla, you have to find out your own mozilla directory, here is just an example. how to find it? oh... if you dont know, you have to read basic linux manual to find out. I am very lazy. #cp /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/ 9. start mozilla, and enjoy! Wish
require mplayer?
源文件包只有80k,我猜要先装mplayer吧。另外我的plugin是放在/usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/plugins的(redhat 9.0)
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作者:吴永铮 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2078) 发表:2003-12-25 16:27:41  2楼
i dont think you need the Mplayerit should be self-sufficient. should be working without full mplayer support. I tried the NUS CS1101C and CS4217 lecture webcasting, it both works.. haha.. i think nus TV casting should be ok as well..
player = popen(command, "r");


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