进来你所说的 因为 php.ini配置文件中 track_global_variable(记得不太清楚) = off 所以 php 解释器未替你生成这些变量
PHP 4.1.0以后版本 用 $_POST['变量名']
PHP 4.1.0以前版本 用 $HTTP_POST_VARS['变量名']
register_globals = On
In PHP 4.2.0 and later, the default value for the PHP directive register_globals is off. This is a major change in PHP. Having register_globals off affects the set of predefined variables available in the global scope. For example, to get DOCUMENT_ROOT you'll use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] instead of $DOCUMENT_ROOT, or $_GET['id'] from the URL http://www.example.com/test.php?id=3 instead of $id, or $_ENV['HOME'] instead of $HOME.
所以,register_globals = On 以后,就和以前一样可以自动解析了
In PHP 4.2.0 and later, the default value for the PHP directive register_globals is off. This is a major change in PHP. Having register_globals off affects the set of predefined variables available in the global scope. For example, to get DOCUMENT_ROOT you'll use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] instead of $DOCUMENT_ROOT, or $_GET['id'] from the URL http://www.example.com/test.php?id=3 instead of $id, or $_ENV['HOME'] instead of $HOME.
所以,register_globals = On 以后,就和以前一样可以自动解析了