You can try this way
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作者:XiaoJiang (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:360) 发表:2003-04-09 08:45:33  楼主  关注此帖评分:
请教:MS SQL Server 2000MS SQL Server 2000不能安装,所有的硬件软件要求都符合,出现提示说Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition server component is not supported on this operating systme. 我的OS是正版xp,难道真得不能再xp上装吗? 都试了n多次了,还是装不上,真是急死了.有哪位高手能指教指教? 多谢各位大虾:P
You can try this way
SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition must be installed on the operating system based on server architecture. So If you insist on install this product you should change your OS such as Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server.

But if you have SQL Server 2000 Development Edition, you are sure to try it on the Windows XP or Windows 2000 Profesional System.
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