公司有自己的code of conduct (COC)通常在coc里面都会有类似的clause, 要求员工的言论和行为不能影响公司的公众形象和商誉。未必公司的coc会有后续的discipline, 这种discipline 可能包括internal talking, warning or let go。
海峡时报对此也有报道 这哥们被网暴后丢了职位, 和老婆一起离开新加坡,据称收到了死亡威胁。 至于是否去起诉网民, 他完全可以判断做出自己的决定,反正他不差钱。
Briton Anton Casey found himself at the receiving end after posting disparaging remarks about "poor people" on the MRT and having to "wash the stench of public transport" off himself.
Most agreed that what he did was offensive, but the online attacks targeted him, his former beauty queen wife and their young son. Mr Casey took his family to Perth, claiming they had received death threats. He then lost his job as a senior wealth manager after he and his employer "parted ways" in the wake of the controversy.