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作者:春风十里 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:170) 发表:2022-07-18 14:20:32  楼主  关注此帖
新成立的公司,请教各位。谢谢小白求助,刚注册的公司(director 和股东都是我自己),是不是6个月内要任命公司秘书,请问这个公司秘书要怎么找?第二问题,收到邮件关于REMINDER TO KEEP A REGISTER OF REGISTRABLE CONTROLLERS,这个REGISTRABLE CONTROLLER可以是我自己吗? 谢谢。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第8,奖励楼主4分以及6华新币,时间:2022-07-14 22:00:21。
Question: What are the legal requirements for a company secretary? Answer: A company must appoint a secretary within 6 months from the date of incorporation. A company secretary must be a natural person and locally resident in Singapore. The position of company secretary must not be vacant for more than 6 months. The sole director of a company and the company secretary cannot be the same person. Private limited companies need not appoint a professionally qualified secretary. Only public companies must appoint a professionally qualified secretary (e.g. lawyers, accountants and chartered secretaries). For more information, please refer to Section 171 of the Companies Act. What are the prescribed requirements relating to experience, professional and academic requirements and membership of professional associations that a secretary of a public company must satisfy?

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