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作者:トヨタPI (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1002) 发表:2022-07-15 15:32:03  楼主  关注此帖
新成立的公司,请教各位。谢谢小白求助,刚注册的公司(director 和股东都是我自己),是不是6个月内要任命公司秘书,请问这个公司秘书要怎么找?第二问题,收到邮件关于REMINDER TO KEEP A REGISTER OF REGISTRABLE CONTROLLERS,这个REGISTRABLE CONTROLLER可以是我自己吗? 谢谢。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第8,奖励楼主4分以及6华新币,时间:2022-07-14 22:00:21。
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作者:トヨタPI (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1002) 发表:2022-07-15 22:44:48  2楼
新加坡公司法对公司秘书的规定对号入座 1)a secretary of a company for at least 3 years of the 5 years immediately preceding the abovementioned date of my appointment as secretary of the abovenamed company; 2) a qualified person under the Legal Profession Act (Cap.161) 3) a public accountant 4) a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountant 5) a member of the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore 6) a member of the Association of International Accountants (Singapore Branch) 7) a member of the Institute of Company Accountants, Singapore
你这是public company的要求

What are the prescribed requirements relating to experience, professional and academic requirements and membership of professional associations that a secretary of a public company must satisfy?

The prescribed requirements relating to experience, professional and academic requirements and membership of professional associations that a secretary of a public company must satisfy are any of the following:

the person has, for at least 3 years in the period of 5 years immediately preceding his appointment as secretary, held the office of secretary of any company;
the person is a qualified person under the Legal Profession Act (Cap. 161);
the person is a public accountant;
the person is a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants;
the person is a member of the Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators;
the person is a member of the Association of International Accountants (Singapore Branch);
the person is a member of the Institute of Company Accountants, Singapore. (See regulation 89 of the Companies Regulations.)

For more information, please refer to section 171 of the Companies Act.
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