如何理解这个The maximum tax relief that you can enjoy is the lowest of:
Voluntary cash contribution directed specifically to Medisave Account or
The CPF contribution cap for the year ($37,740), less contribution from employment
Existing Basic Healthcare Sum less Medisave Account Balance
Spouse/Siblings must not have an annual income** of more than $4,000 in the year preceding the year of top-up (i.e. 2020).
** Annual income includes:
Taxable income (e.g. trade, employment and rental)
Tax-exempt income (e.g. bank interest, dividends and pension)
Foreign-sourced income regardless of whether it has been remitted to Singapore
1,直接用现金充到SA,RSTU by Cash to SA,直到SA达到FRS,这个钱进去了就不会退出来。后续每个月工资的Mandatory Contribution,还是会分别进三个账户,如果MA达到了BHS,MA的份额就会去SA,但是如果SA也达到了FRS,那么这个MA的份额就会去OA。SA的份额还是会进SA,所以SA账户的数额,是可以超过FRS的,或者说SA是不会满的。
MA“会满”,账户的最大值就是当年的BHS,Basic Healthcare Sum,每年上调大概3000。
SA“不会满”,只是有个FRS的标记线,达到或者超过这个标记线以后,就不能通过RSTU by Cash给SA充值了。FRS每年也会上调,但是因为SA每年的利息比较多,一般都会超过FRS上调的额度,所以一旦SA达到了FRS标线以后,就会一直超过FRS了。
2,VC3A,Voluntary Contribution to Three Accounts,则受到CPF Annual Limit的限制,就算是开始的时候放进去很多,如果加上后来的Mandatory Contribution,超过了CPF Annual Limit(就是37740)的话,超出部分会退回来,而且没有利息。