GDP也就掉了6%左右 - 没有关系啊,无所谓疫苗副作用 (心肌炎,心包炎) 10万分之一(和自然发生率等量级), 好可怕!
bus车长,有百分之一感染了, 好多!
疫苗突破感染, 百分之几 - 疫苗到底有没有效?
framing effect, conformation bias,还是Survivor bias ?
Okun’s Law
1)Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and unemployment rates
The relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and unemployment rates can be seen by the application of Okun’s Law. According to the principles established by this law, there is a corresponding two percent increase in employment for every established one percent increase in GDP.
2)Unemployment rates and death
Do 40,000 people die in the United States for every 1% increase in unemployment?
The relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and unemployment rates can be seen by the application of Okun’s Law. According to the principles established by this law, there is a corresponding two percent increase in employment for every established one percent increase in GDP.
2)Unemployment rates and death
Do 40,000 people die in the United States for every 1% increase in unemployment?