科兴疫苗有严重问题 新加坡政府 官方回复 为啥sinovac不在政府的疫苗项目https://sg.news.yahoo.com/significant-problems-sinovac-vaccine-other-countries-moh-official-105357031.html
该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2021-06-20 22:00:01。
科兴peer reviewed phase 3 data在哪
不谈政治 只谈科学
"No Phase 3 study data on the vaccine has yet been published in peer-reviewed journals."
为啥拖了这么久发不出phase 3的paper
国药:"The WHO’s approval of Sinopharm before the publication of peer-reviewed data reflected a measure of desperation "
莫德纳paper: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2035389
"No Phase 3 study data on the vaccine has yet been published in peer-reviewed journals."
为啥拖了这么久发不出phase 3的paper
国药:"The WHO’s approval of Sinopharm before the publication of peer-reviewed data reflected a measure of desperation "
莫德纳paper: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2035389